Brief Proϐile
1. Mr. Kalpeshkumar Bhagavandas Thakkar, aged 36 years, is a Promoter and Director of our Company. He plays a vital role in successful implementation of various policies and procedure in the Company. He is a valuable asset to our Company, bring hands on experience in leading a team, developing new products and streamlining processes. He presently looks after Administration of the Company. Under his leadership, our Company has been successful in developing business operations. He is associated with the Company since 20th March, 2020.
2. Mr. Jitendra Rameshbhai Patel, aged 39 years is a Promoter and Managing Director of our Company. He was appointed on the Board on February 01, 2024 and designated as the Managing Director of the Company for a period of 5 years. He plays a vital role in formulating business strategies and its effective implementation. He is responsible for the expansion and overall management of the business of our Company. Under his leadership, Company has achieved various milestones which focus on continuous innovation and relentless pursuit of growth and excellence. He has played a signiϐicant role in the development of our business. He is associated with the Company since 1st February, 2024.
3. Mr. Rakeshkumar Rameshbhai Patel, aged 39 years, is a Non-Executive Director of our Company. He has more than 4 years of experience in the ϐield of Administration and has been instrumental in the consistent growth of our Company’s performance. His leadership abilities have been instrumental in leading the core team of our Company. He is associated with the Company since 15th April, 2023.
4. Mr. Manish Shrichand Bachani, aged 33 years, Non-Executive and Independent Director of our Company. He has more than 4 years of experience in Marketing Management, Business Operations, Project Management and Administration. He has built a successful track record of consistent value creation over the years. He is associated with the Company since 14th August, 2023.
5. Ms. Simoli Kalpeshbhai Raval, aged 30 years, was appointed as an Additional Independent Director of our Company w.e.f. 1st July, 2024. She holds degree of Company secretary from Institute of Company secretaries of India and completed her Master of Commerce from Gujarat University in the year 2016 and also Pursuing LLM from Gujarat University. She is having more than 6 years of experience in the ϐield of Corporate Law and Key areas of her proϐiciency includes corporate legal advisory, secretarial work, legal drafting, intellectual property rights, wealth management services, management consultancy, content drafting, project management & much more.